Mole snakes have strong teeth with an edge on the back of each tooth, like the blade of a knife, and when they bite they often move the head up and down like a tin opener and can do damage Mole snakes are often confused with the Cape Cobra and the venomous Stiletto snake is often mistaken for a Mole snake, even though it does not resemble one · Mole kingsnakes – These are also similar in coloring, mostly when young, to copperheads, but the markings are narrow rather than hourglass shaped The head of the mole kingsnake is much smaller than that of a copperhead, Is a baby snake more poisonous than an adult snake?Like many of their neighbours, the Lao are adventurous eaters In any village market you may find whole fried snake, barbecued field rat, grilled dog meat, fried baby frogs, frogs on skewers, fried giant water bugs and beetles – as well as more mundane offerings like marinated chicken feet, fried mole crickets and grasshoppers Mole Snake Project Noah What to feed a baby mole snak...